Analysis of the geospatial variability of morphometric fragility in the upper basin of the Sauce Chico River, Argentina


  • Adriana C. Guzmán
  • Lucía De Antueno
  • Fernanda J. Gaspari



morphometry, watershed, GIS


The morphometric characterization of a river basin allows the description of the superficial hydric dynamics and the erosion risk, by the definition of shape, relief, and drainage parameters, stablishing its fragility. This fragility is evidence at the degradative processes that originate the impacts of different spatio-temporal relevance in each functional area inside a basin. The goal of the present research was to evaluate the geo-spatial variability of the morphometric fragility in the upper basin of the Sauce Chico River, located in Tornquist, Argentina. The morphometric parameters were determined from GPS field data combined with information from digital elevation models, processed with GIS. The methodology used allowed to show the geospatial variability of morphometric fragility which varies from the headwater to the mouth, which indicate greater torrentiality and an important sediments discharge, leading to a hazardous impact in the settlements located near the water courses. The hypsometric curves indicate the sedimentary nature of this basin, with a strong expression especially in the mature phase, coinciding with for the relief and drainage parameters results. The sub-basins of the catchment area represent the 55.33% of the water channels of order 1 and 2, this indicates a greater presence of inflections in the relief, with less permeable rock on the surface, that lead the channeled water to the hills area generating runoff as a mantle and propitiating a lower concentration time.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, A. C. ., De Antueno, L. ., & Gaspari , F. J. . (2021). Analysis of the geospatial variability of morphometric fragility in the upper basin of the Sauce Chico River, Argentina. Journal of the Agronomy College, 120(1), 069.