What is human biology?


  • María Antonia Luis Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)




biology, sciences, psychologist's training, complexity paradigm, humana


This micro-article reflects on human biology. In order to approach a definition of the discipline, answers are proposed to different guiding questions: is human biology a science? If so, is it a social science or a natural science? What is its object of study? How does it analyze its object of study? Why is it included in the curriculum of undergraduate, graduate, and teacher training programs in psychology? After addressing these issues, it is proposed that human biology is an adequate field from which to develop interdisciplinary research consistent with the paradigm of complexity, currently in force. Finally, it is advocated for a training of the psychologist that calls for interdiscipline and that integrates in the situation of teaching and learning conceptual fields of different disciplines. 


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How to Cite

Luis, M. A. (2020). What is human biology? . Journal of Psychology, 19(1), 229–237. https://doi.org/10.24215/2422572Xe058


