The not-all interpretation and the social bond


  • Ramiro Tejo Hospital "San Vicente de Paul", Chascomús (Argentina)



psychosis, interpretation, social bond, psychoanalysis, psychical suffering


In some cases when psychoses occur, the interpretation takes an unlimited form. The conviction that “everything means”, together with the self-referential character, leads the subject, on occasions, to a process of rupture in the social bond. Clinical work with these subjects can be oriented by introducing a not-all to the interpretation, thus producing relief of suffering as well as the possibility of sustaining the social bond. The article is a theoretical investigation that explores, through bibliographic research and hypotheses proposed by the author, the theoretical foundations of the mentioned orientation in the clinical work with certain subjects with psychotic structure. A limit in the interpretative action enables the support of a social bond, and the appeasement of the psychical suffering.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Tejo, Hospital "San Vicente de Paul", Chascomús (Argentina)

Lic. Ramiro Tejo (UNLP). Ex- residente y ex- jefe de residentes de la Residencia de psicología del Hospital "Dr. Alejandro Korn" de Melchor Romero. Investigador becado por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, programa Salud Investiga, durante los años 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015. Profesional del Hospital Municipal "San Vicente de Paul" de Chascomús.


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How to Cite

Tejo, R. (2021). The not-all interpretation and the social bond. Journal of Psychology, 20(2), 184–194.