The human-dog bond from Freud's perspective: Content analysis of his complete works




companion animals, dogs, Freud, pets, psychoanalysis


Abstract: Despite the relevance of dogs in Freud's personal life, the psychoanalytic perspective tends to conceive of the human-dog relationship only in projective and symbolic terms. In order to identify Freudian conceptualizations about the human-dog bond, a content analysis of his works was carried out. A search was conducted for the specific terms related to the topic (e.g., dog, domestic, cat), which allowed the identification of 58 registry units that were subjected to a thematic analysis. The dogs were identified as: (1) recipients of affection; (2) traumatic elements; (3) symbols of drive expression; (4) participants of human culture; (5) animals comparable to humans; and (6) recipients of abuse. The results highlight the proximity of dogs with the world of men while remaining in the natural world, the need to consider the human-dog bond in the relational life of patients, as well as its therapeutic potential of connection with the inner animality.


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Author Biography

Marcos Díaz Videla, Instituto Iberoamericano de Antrozoología (IIAZ, Argentina)

Miembro fundador del Instituto Iberoamericano de Antrozoología (IIAZ). Graduado de Licenciatura en Psicología en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, con Posgrados en terapia familiar en Escuela Sistémica Argentina y Fundación Gregory Bateson. Además, es graduado del Profesorado en Psicología de la Universidad del Salvador y del Doctorado en Psicología/Antrozoología en Universidad de Flores (UFLO) por su investigación sobre el vínculo humano-animal. Docente universitario de grado y doctorado en UFLO, y docente invitado en múltiples cursos de Intervenciones Asistidas con Animales.


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How to Cite

Díaz Videla, M. (2023). The human-dog bond from Freud’s perspective: Content analysis of his complete works. Journal of Psychology, 155.



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