When can we talk about a 'gender case' in psychoanalysis? Uses of gender in the clinic


  • Nicolás Gutierrez HIAEP Sor María Ludovica (Argentina)




psychoanalysis, gender, sexuality, identity, ethics


What reading can we do about the Gender Identity Law Nº26743 from psychoanalysis? There are various positions that range from rejection, through indifference, to a fascination with making the Law a clinical orientation. From the Lacanian orientation, we should be able to make a possible reading from our own real, that which enunciates an absence of knowledge in the real concerning sexuality. So, how does this new configuration of sexual identities based on the new legislation on gender affect the psychoanalytic clinic? Does it affect in any way the ethics of psychoanalysis? When can we speak of "a case of gender" in psychoanalysis? These are some of the questions that this article will try to answer.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Gutierrez, HIAEP Sor María Ludovica (Argentina)

Psicólogo de guardia en HIAEP Sor Ma. Ludovica. Instructor de la residencia de psicología del HIAEP Sor Ma. Ludovica. Ex residente del mismo hospital.



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How to Cite

Nicolás Gutierrez. (2020). When can we talk about a ’gender case’ in psychoanalysis? Uses of gender in the clinic. Journal of Psychology, 19(2), 193–200. https://doi.org/10.24215/2422572Xe061