Disarm(ing) as a male - build(ing) as a father: psychoanalytic interventions with young men in the context of punitive confinement
masculinities, gender, sex-affective bonds, psychoanalytic interventions in prisonsAbstract
Starting from the developments in gender studies, masculinities and queer theory, we will first discuss how psychoanalysis, as a theoretical construction of modernity, explains the subject in connection with cultural conceptions of masculinity and femininity. Second, we will analyze what are the possible clinical interventions in prison. When reflecting on our tools as psychoanalysts, the logics of production of a therapeutic device in a penitentiary unit will be analyzed, attending to two specificities: the logics of punitive confinement and the sex-affective ties of young men deprived of freedom. To do this, we will start from the notion of intervention, which, taking into account these particularities, and understanding the psychoanalytic ethics oriented towards the subversion of the subject, is mutilated by not including the categories of analysis and praxis of gender studies.
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