Evidence of structural validity and reliability of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale
anxiety, multidimensional evaluation, structural validity, reliabilityAbstract
The psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (EMA; Díaz Kuaik & de la Iglesia, 2017) are presented. A sample of 543 subjects between 18 and 88 years old (M= 35.86 and SD=14.27) were analyzed, of which 65.4% were women and 34.6% were men. The results of the exploratory analysis supported the three-factor model (56.94% variance, KMO=.959; Barlett x2=8239.100). The confirmatory factor analysis concluded that both the correlated three-factor model (x2/gl=2.258; CFI=.916; RMSA=.063) and the model that included a general second-order factor (x2/gl=2.258; CFI=.902; RMSA=.048) were appropriate. Reliability was analyzed through Cronbach's alpha, finding adequate internal consistency indices in each scale measure (alpha>.76). From these results it was concluded that the instrument had sufficient evidence of internal validity and reliability to be used as a multidimensional measure of anxiety in the clinical and general population.
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