Analysis of the effects of chronification on users admitted to a monovalent psychiatric institution


  • Florencia Zumarraga Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP, Argentina)



chronification, asylums, users, effects, law 26.657


The work proposes to advance in the characterization of the chronification effects seen in users interned in a monovalent psychiatric institution in the province of Buenos Aires. This production is born from the questions and observations that have arisen within the framework of the university volunteer project "Redes".  The methodology implemented by the team consists of weekly workshops aimed at users from a wide range of recreational and artistic activities according to their interests. For the purposes of this work, the control mechanisms of the asylums are delimited in order to distinguish the effects that are evident in their users. To this end, indicators of the functioning of these institutions are cut out. Then, we move on to describe the subjective effects observed in the workshop space. The starting point is a critical look at the mental hospital, with Law 26.657 and the ethics of psychoanalysis as the main axes. 


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Author Biography

Florencia Zumarraga, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP, Argentina)

Licenciada en Psicología UNLP. Extensionista del proyecto “Red y Promoción de lazos saludables” del Programa de Voluntariado Universitario. Autora del TIF “Análisis de los efectos de la cronificación en usuarios internados en el Hospital A.Korn”. Alumna adscripta en la Cátedra de Psicología Evolutiva II UNLP.


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How to Cite

Zumarraga, F. (2020). Analysis of the effects of chronification on users admitted to a monovalent psychiatric institution . Journal of Psychology, 19(2), 245–262.