A perspective on sexual difference and the current times


  • Javier Mariano Pérez Facultad de Psicología - UNLP (Argentina)
  • Marisa Inés Badr Facultad de Psicología - UNLP (Argentina)




Psychoanalysis, Sexual difference, Current times, Drive


We are in a time when many people name themselves outside the so-called sexual binarism. A time when the discourse on sexual diversity and gender seem to question the notion of sexual difference used in psychoanalysis. We will develop some ideas about the conception of sexuality that Freudian psychoanalysis introduces in the discourse of its time, as well as some Lacanian references, in order to conceptualize the incidences that these have in the current discourse. Finally, we will consider some subjects about the relationships between the subjectivity, the current time and the drive. We conclude with the question of whether it is necessary to create a new psychoanalysis or to sustain the challenge to which the clinic once again summons us.


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Author Biographies

Javier Mariano Pérez, Facultad de Psicología - UNLP (Argentina)

Graduated in Psychology (UNLP). Proffesor at the chair of Psychoanalytic Theory of UNLP. Ex resident and ex chief resident at the Psychology Residency of Rodolfo Rossi Hospital of La Plata.

Marisa Inés Badr, Facultad de Psicología - UNLP (Argentina)

Psicoanalista. Docente de la cátedra de Teoría Psicoanalítica de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNLP.


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How to Cite

Pérez, J. M., & Badr, M. I. (2020). A perspective on sexual difference and the current times. Journal of Psychology, 19(2), 201–213. https://doi.org/10.24215/2422572Xe067