Myths and knowledge about regarding teenage suicide
adolescence, suicide, myths, educationAbstract
The article presents a descriptive cross-sectional study about beliefs of suicide, considered by the OMS (2021) as one of the main causes of death among people between 15 and 29 years. The sample consisted of 205 people, whose ages vary between 13 and 59 years, who reside in Argentina. Regarding the self-perceived gender, 27.8% were identified as male, 69.3%, female, and 2.9%, non-binary. In general, the knowledge of the myths around suicide is good. Regarding the difference according to gender, it was the female gender that showed the highest level of knowledge. The “youth” and “young adults” age groups scored better than the other age groups. It is concluded that it is essential, from an educational point of view, to promote the implementation of workshops that disseminate scientific knowledge about this phenomenon in order to address the problem and devise suicide prevention, intervention and post-vention tactics.
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