GIM method and emotional education. Adaptations of the method in the educational field

Adaptaciones del método en el ámbito educativo


  • Verónica Rothpflug Universidad de Buenos Aires


music therapy, BMGIM adaptations, school setting, emotional education, emotional competences


The present study examined the significance of emotional education in children and adolescents development, in general, and the specific contributions that GIM Method can provide to this topic within the educational scene. For the purpose of this research, specific publications were considered, as well as questionnaires made by professionals that have applied adaptations of BMGIM on classroom settings. The results showed that the analyzed adaptations address Emotional Education contents (‘Emotional Competences’), by favoring an instance for introspection and emotion awareness, exploring mental images, feelings and physiological sensations while listening a selection of music programs in a relaxed state of mind.


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How to Cite

Rothpflug, V. . (2020). GIM method and emotional education. Adaptations of the method in the educational field: Adaptaciones del método en el ámbito educativo. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 2(2), 74–103. Retrieved from



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