Music therapy intervention based on the praxis and philosophy of electroacoustic music

Pilot study


  • María Claudia Galán Gamarra Universidad Nacional de Colombia


electroacoustic music, sound awareness exercises, sono-fixation, electroacoustic therapeutic sound sequences (ETSS), mental functions


The present investigation studied the contributions provided from the electroacoustic music practice and philosophy, to the music therapy intervention of two adults from different socio economical situations and education level. In Grounded Theory Investigation and phenomenology frame, three concepts were developed: sound awareness exercises, sono-fixation and Electroacoustic Therapeutic Sound Sequences (ETSS),which were proposed as activities in the intervention and applied methodologically.  To obtain data tests were made in the Hemodynamic aspect by means of a pulse-oximeter.


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How to Cite

Galán Gamarra, M. C. . (2016). Music therapy intervention based on the praxis and philosophy of electroacoustic music: Pilot study. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 1(2), 1–25. Retrieved from



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