Ingeniería acústica y musicoterapia


  • Camila Cetratelli Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


engineering, noise, music therapy


The interview with the acoustic engineer María Isabel Arango Giraldo brings us some  questions about the sound context in which people in general and health workers and patients  in hospital contexts in particular are immersed. Based on this qualitative analysis, it is  concluded that noise awareness and education about the care to be taken into account are  fundamental tools when taking action. For this, transdisciplinary work, both in practice and  research areas, is suggested as the most effective option when facing this environmental  problem.


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How to Cite

Cetratelli , C. . (2020). Ingeniería acústica y musicoterapia. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 5(3), 74–90. Retrieved from