Salud Vocal o Salud Fonatoria

Concepción multidimensional y mirada fonoaudiológica


  • Claudia Díaz Facultad de Trabajo Social. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)



vocal health, speech health, voice, speech, speech therapy


In speech and voice therapy, intensive work is done on the health of the process that generates vocal emission and speech in the educational, preventive, and clinical fields. Although this concept is usually clear, sometimes it seems to have an ambiguous look. is notion, like the rest of them, depends on the approach that is always positioned from some place, model, or paradigm. Professional health intervention in any field depends on the concept that each professional has about health in general. is concept has been through transformations during its history, so it is a dynamic term and therefore relative. Its study can contribute to the understanding of what health was and is in each social group and in each era. Besides, the importance to consider the voice as a sound result of a process, the relevance it has as a communicative form and identity for people. In order to configure the therapeutic speech and voice therapy intervention, we could rethink and enrich approaches, reviewing the concept of health and returning tocertain questions in relation to interventions. For this, it is necessary to ask ourselves some questions: What are we talking about when we refer to Health and more precisely Vocal Health? Is the health we are talking about Vocal or Phonatory? Are the parameters that we handle universal and permanent? Are they suitable for this moment and the 21st century? 


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How to Cite

Díaz, C. (2021). Salud Vocal o Salud Fonatoria: Concepción multidimensional y mirada fonoaudiológica. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 6(1), 002.