Music therapy beyond healthcare field


  • Flavia Kinigsberg ICMUS



Music therapy, health, human fevelopment, good living, transdiscipline


This article emerges from the following question: Is the healthcare field the only territory for music therapy? This is presented as the only and unquestionable possibility in both university education and in the discourse of professional music therapists. The text goes through different frameworks to expand horizons and to provide coherence to conceptualizations and social practices. It addresses concepts such as: Development on a human scale, Good Living (Andean cosmovision that conceives the community as everything that has existence, without privileging human needs over others, such as animal and plant life, the earth, the air, etc.) and Transdiscipline within the perspective of Complexity. The writing emerges from questions and concludes with new questions, in order to continue the dialogue, co-constructing this corner of world that music therapists live and work in, committed to the ideas and communities we work with.


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How to Cite

Kinigsberg, F. (2021). Music therapy beyond healthcare field . ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, (Especial), 015.



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