Pertinencia de un dispositivo de Musicoterapia Social Online

Escucha y Arte entre mujeres


  • Alfonsina Basutto ICMUS
  • Patricia Pellizzari ICMUS
  • Delfina Smith ICMUS



Social music therapy, online setting, women, collective art


The mate-session and women live stream it's a proposal of a Social Music Therapy from the ICMus Team from Argentina. It’s an online format where different artistic disciplines, expressive and ludic activities are shared in order to carry out a sensitive and spontaneous meeting among women. Our sensations tell stories, songs, corporealities, scenes, poems. It consists of sharing personal experiences, promoting equal participation and the exchanging of similar issues. The key element of the proposal prioritizes listening skills as the main component for emotional support and accompaniment. The online setting takes place on a monthly basis and lasts approximately two hours. It’s free and open to the public. Each meeting consists of an Opening, the Development of a main subject, poetic Synthesis and Closure. The dynamics of the interactions are flexible and adaptable to the interests and will of the participants according to their expressive or verbal availability. The leadership role of coordinating the meetings is shared between participants and music therapists. This generated a process that has built a micro social network that has contributed to straighten the coping mechanism to face the pandemia times. Finally, we will understand this contribution in relation to the decolonial perspective.


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How to Cite

Basutto, A., Pellizzari, P., & Smith, D. (2021). Pertinencia de un dispositivo de Musicoterapia Social Online : Escucha y Arte entre mujeres . ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, (Especial), 008.



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