Management practices and innovation: Their relationship with the performance and employment of Argentine firms


  • Victoria Anauati Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina



Argentina, innovation, productivity, employment, wage, management capacity


Drawing on firm-level data, this research delves into the interplay among management practices, innovation, and the performance of Argentine firms. The findings reveal that management practices exhibit heterogeneity across firms and industries, showing a positive correlation with revenue, exports, and labor market metrics. Firms adopting advanced management practices are associated with a higher likelihood of innovating (extensive margin) and the magnitude of investment in innovation (intensive margin). Additionally, are more likely to yield outcomes in the innovation process.


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2024-08-13 — Updated on 2024-09-05

How to Cite

Anauati, V. (2024). Management practices and innovation: Their relationship with the performance and employment of Argentine firms. Económica, 70, 035.




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