Extended harmonic hearing. The role of the body and experience in the use of musical instrument


  • Matías Tanco Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (FBA-UNLP)
  • Agustín Aún Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (FBA-UNLP)




música, audición armónica, cognición corporeizada, mente extendida, ciclos percepción-acción


Listening to music as embodied cognition doesn’t mean to consider a brain-centered system as mind only: It involves actions and body movements too. According to the theory of the extended mind, the use of a musical instrument in harmonic listening task is conceived as an integrated tool for thinking within an integrated cognitive system. However, the coupling of the body with the instrument as “mind” is required to be reviewed under the terms of musical practice, as it involves a kind of thinking and a particular context that, It is assumed, might shape the profiles of the perception-action cycles that take place during performance. In this sense, harmonic hearing involves a kind of thinking in movement, oriented to “extract” and / or synthesize aspects of music in relation to the harmonic component. In these tasks, the musical instrument employed is useful to recover musical experiences from the past, due to Its capacity to link the embodied construction of the motor pathways that are generated in performance to the harmonic percepts. In this way, thinking in harmonic hearing with the instrument as the embedded bodily experience that arise in the context of perception-action activity allow us to allocate the extended mind’s theory within the context of musical practice. 


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How to Cite

Tanco, M., & Aún, A. (2013). Extended harmonic hearing. The role of the body and experience in the use of musical instrument. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 2(1), 123–178. https://doi.org/10.21932/epistemus.2.2715.0


