The effects of enjoyment on the performance of musical instruments


  • Nora Blanca Leibovich Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Mariel Gimenez Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Florencia Martucci Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)



enjoyment, positive experiences, music, instrument performers


In this study we seek to know the elements that constitute the experience of enjoyment in relation to its effects on the musical performance activity. Know/explore the experience of enjoyment in the performer. We will carry out an exploratory study (quali-quantitative) about the experience of enjoyment in musical performers. The asked question was: What effect do you think it has on your life to enjoy musical performance? Through the analysis of the participants' phrases, different psychological experiences were identified that were grouped into specific categories and their expressive components. 207 musical performers (81.15% male) between 16 and 55 years old from Buenos Aires (Argentina) responded in writing. The 207 subjects were categorized according to age, sex, type of instrument they performed.


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Author Biography

Nora Blanca Leibovich, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Licenciada en Psicología UBA Dra en Filosofía y Letras. Orientación Psicología UBA Investigador principal CONICET Investigadora I Secretaría Ciencia y Técnica UBA Profesora emérita UBA Codirectora Proyecto UBACyT 2014-2017 "Experiencias subjetivas positivas en músicos y deportistas. Su relación con variables de personalidad y contextuales." Directora: Vanina Schmidt. Codirectora: Nora B. Leibovich Codirectora Proyecto UBACyT 2018-2021 "Consumo de alcohol en población joven: factores protectores a través del deporte y la música" Directora: Vanina Schmidt. Codirectora :Nora B. Leibovich


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How to Cite

Leibovich, N. B., Gimenez, M., & Martucci, F. (2019). The effects of enjoyment on the performance of musical instruments. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 7(2), 009.



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