Music creation from a native language

The K'iche from western Guatemala


  • Axel Avendaño Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



native language, prosody, music creation, pre-hispanic instruments


Creative processes in music are usually non-linear: a series of decisions between a large number of options and probabilities that are not only sound, but also sig- nal, which are available. We interpret the sound world according to our parameters and ways of listening to the environment; However, when the context we want to represent, in a musical work, is different from ours and our culture, it is not clear what should be understood under the premises of the "original context." From this account, the musical work carried out from an original language takes on characteristics of interpretation and “data capture” from which several paths must be taken that lead us to a “better result”, both sound and of interpretation of the otherness that it provides the source information we need for musical creation. From this point of view, this work focuses on an aesthetic of enjoyment and cognitive sensuality through which original and non-originating, authentic and inauthentic, native and alien, can be treated as contradictions or as relative complements. The substantive proposal is, therefore, a “dialectical harmonization” of the two epistemologies that are available, at least partially: the “written and thought” from the loudness of the Spanish / European, and the written thought from the loudness of the k'iché / maya. In turn, this exercise goes beyond the abstract search for stories and the sounds and sounds of stories, privileging field research and ethnography from which qualitative and quantitative analysis of data aimed at supply of creative processes.


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Author Biography

Axel Avendaño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Master student in composition at the Faculty of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico since 2017. From 2009 his compositional work I research is directly linked to the native languages of western Guatemala, also in the investigation of prehispanic instruments of that region with special emphasis on polyglobular flutes.


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How to Cite

Avendaño, A. (2019). Music creation from a native language: The K’iche from western Guatemala. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 7(2), 007.



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