The subject “Vision” in Architecture teaching in Argentina


  • Veronica Devalle Universidad de Buenos Aires


Synthesis of the arts, subject “Vision”, Architecture teaching, University, Design


During 1951 a series of events linked to the future of designs were developing in Argentina. Concrete art had built a tradition in which the ideas of synthesis, simplicity, beauty and truth were linked together. This approach, which was elemental in the construction of disciplines of design, at least in Argentina, fi nds its pillar in the New Vision magazine. The protagonism of this magazine has partly eclipsed the role played by university subjects such as “Vision” (which originally appeared in the University of Litoral and was later brought to the University of Buenos Aires) in the construction of a prime discourse on design in our country, which was able to articulate the language of modern architecture with modern art. The purpose of this article is to analyse the way in which the subject “Vision” set a considerable conceptual base for the future development of designs as disciplines. 


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Author Biography

Veronica Devalle, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Sociología (UBA), Magister en Sociología de la Cultura (IDAES, UNSAM), Doctora en Teoría e Historia del Arte (FFyL, UBA). Investigadora Adjunta CONICET. Profesora Adjunta de la materia “Comunicación” de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico y Profesora Titular de la materia “Diseño y Estudios Culturales” de la FADU, UBA. Directora de la Sección “Estética” del Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas “Mario Buschiazzo”, FADU, UBA


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How to Cite

Devalle, V. (2015). The subject “Vision” in Architecture teaching in Argentina. Estudios Del hábitat, 13(2), 31–70. Retrieved from


