Rural prototype of initial education in Santiago del Estero, Argentina: analysis, improvement, simulation and energetic thermal labeling for adequacy bioclimatic


  • Gabriela María del Carmen Giuliano Raimondi CONICET- MinCyT-UNSE-FACyT -ITA-CESPER
  • Beatríz Garzón AAII, FAU-SCAIT, UNT; CONICET, MinCyT


Education, Bioclimatic, Energetic adequacy


This paper proposesed: the analysis and the energetic thermal improvement of initial level educational habitat in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, and the veri? cation according to standards, in order to achieve the adaptation to the site through space dispositions and develop architectural solutions with rational use of the energy, achieving its bioclimatic adaptation; for contributing to the improvement conditions the comfort and health, of the users. To that end, it was proposed an agreement of mutual working cooperation with the relevant government institution, responsible for the production of school buildings in that province. The results obtained were: 1) De? nition of geographical constraints and climate, 2) De- termination of bioenvironmental strategy and guidelines, 3) Analysis of the state prototype technological characteristics and its architectural layout, 4) Redesign of state prototype for bioclimatic adjustment, 5) Thermal simulation of the state prototype and its improved, 6) Energetic thermal assessment and its comparison with regulated values, 7) Labeling of both prototypes, 8) Conclusion.


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Author Biography

Gabriela María del Carmen Giuliano Raimondi, CONICET- MinCyT-UNSE-FACyT -ITA-CESPER

Becaria Doctoral CONICET-MinCyT


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How to Cite

Giuliano Raimondi, G. M. del C., & Garzón, B. (2016). Rural prototype of initial education in Santiago del Estero, Argentina: analysis, improvement, simulation and energetic thermal labeling for adequacy bioclimatic. Estudios Del hábitat, 14(1), 92–105. Retrieved from




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