From the skyscraper to the ground-scraper. Rem Koolhaas’s Japanese Kasbah


  • Raquel Álvarez Arce Universidad de Valladolid


Koolhaas, Rem, Hounsing, Mat-building, Fukuoka


Rem Koolhaas, as a contemporary architect, draws from the proposals which were devel-oped by the architects who reacted to the ideas formulated on the International Congresses of Modern Architecture, like the Team 10 members. Woods, along with Candilis and Josic, worked out a new type of building that he called ground-scrapper, although it is better known by the name given by Alison Smithson: the mat-building. Rem Koolhaas, in the Nexus World building in Fukuoka, propose, as he says in S,M,L, XL, a house building which is a combina-tion of Mies’s court houses and the ones in the ancient Rome, forming continuous tapestries where houses never become objects. Defi nitely, he proposes a mat-building. OMA’s head-master applies what he had learn with “Delirious New York” and he introduces the skyscraper features in his own ground-scrapper, redefi ning the mat-building.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Arce, R. (2016). From the skyscraper to the ground-scraper. Rem Koolhaas’s Japanese Kasbah. Estudios Del hábitat, 14(1), 68–79. Retrieved from


