A metropolitan territory and a metropolitan river: Buenos Aires and the Paraná


  • Thomas Massin, Dr. Instituto Superior de Urbanismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires / Fundación Furban




Buenos Aires, ´Metropolitan Area, Paraná River, Representation, Urban planning


In this article, we study the relationship between fluvial and urban dimensions from a regional approach, covering the metropolis of Buenos Aires and the Paraná River, in its lower section. The latter is a complex geographical object, at the same time a river, a coast, a delta, a "maritime highway" for overseas ships. This originality could explain the difficulty of representing and planning the Buenos Aires metropolis in articulation with its great natural environment. Therefore, we assume that it is a "not conceived space", taking up the Lefebvrian theory. To try to overcome this aporia, the article introduces the figure of "fluvial metropolis" and insists on the double environmental and operational dimension, united by the dimension of representation. This should help to integrate the Paraná into the reflections on metropolitan processes, creating a feeling of collective belonging and a territorial identity.


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Author Biography

Thomas Massin, Dr., Instituto Superior de Urbanismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires / Fundación Furban

Doctor en urbanismo por las universidades de Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA) y de París 3 (CREDA). Es docente en la FADU-UBA y en la Universidad de Palermo y consultor para la fundación Furban y el BID.


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How to Cite

Massin, T. (2018). A metropolitan territory and a metropolitan river: Buenos Aires and the Paraná. Estudios Del hábitat, 16(2), e051. https://doi.org/10.24215/24226483e051