Development of a UV-C air sterilizer for the control of the air transmission of COVID-19


  • Macias Manuel Colaborador. Proyecto de Investigación Implantología Oral Fase VIII.UNLP
  • Cesar Gabriel Luchetti Facultad de Odontologia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Alicia Kitrilakis Director. Proyecto de Investigación Implantología Oral Fase VIII UNLP. Director. Carrera de Maestría en Implantología Oral. UNLP
  • Sebastian Pelizza Director. Instituto Spegazzini. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. UNLP
  • Juan Laborde Jefe del Área de Control Sanitario y Responsable de Área de Diagnóstico Molecular por PCR. Laboratorio de Animales de Experimentación. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. UNLP
  • Miguel Ayala Director. Laborarlo de Animales de Experimentación. Faculta de Cencías Veterinarias. UNLP
  • Martín Zubieta Coordinador del Área de Biología Molecular e Integrante del Consejo Asesor del Centro de Medicina Traslacional. Hospital El Cruce.



UV-C Air Sterilizer, Sars-Cov-2, COVID-19


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and considering that there is an airborne transmission of the virus, which the WHO was slow to recognize, but is now proven, we decided to develop an Air Sterilizer with a specific combination of Special Filters and the use UV-C Light.

After the development of the sterilizer (Belerofonte I), biological tests were carried out with Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Spores, to see its effectiveness in sterilizing environments. After the strong results obtained, and the air flow tests carried out in Engineering, the equipment was scaled to a smaller size, with the same performance (Belerofonte II). The tests were repeated with the second prototype, showing the same effectiveness.

Although the development is a part to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be useful in the long term, given its benefits, to avoid intra-hospital infections, and it could be applicable to clinics, public transport, and commercial premises, among others.


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How to Cite

Manuel, M., Luchetti, C. G., Kitrilakis, A., Pelizza, S., Laborde, J., Ayala, M., & Zubieta, M. (2020). Development of a UV-C air sterilizer for the control of the air transmission of COVID-19. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 2(2), 167–203.