Polymeric Stone based on Household Waste and Soils for Pavements on Low-Volume Traffic Roads





low-traffic roads, cold mix asphalt, artificial aggregate, stone-polymeric


The use of polymer-based household waste in the wearing course of a flexible pavement on roads with low traffic volume, both urban and rural, has been analyzed using various techniques in recent years. But, there are not enough records in which the residue is used to form the intermediate and thick fraction of the aggregate to be used. In the present work, from hot mixtures of household residual polymers and soils, pieces of a size such that when crushed give rise to an aggregate for road use, which is in the patent process, are developed. With this aggregate, a cold asphalt concrete is designed, which is subjected to a series of analyzes that are presented in the article. As a conclusion, physical and mechanical parameters of said asphalt mixture are reached, which limit the field of application of the artificial aggregate developed and for the aforementioned purpose.


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How to Cite

Rivera, J., Battista, N., Oviedo, A., & Zapata Ferrero, I. (2024). Polymeric Stone based on Household Waste and Soils for Pavements on Low-Volume Traffic Roads. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 5, 038. https://doi.org/10.24215/26838559e038



Dossier: Economía circular y ecodiseño

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