Board for thermal and acoustic conditioning of dwellings from textile waste: From obstacles to technical challenges




textil waste, equity, envelope, employment, quality, industrial ecology


This article focuses on a project regarding the development of panels for thermal insulation and sound conditioning as alternative materials, resulting from the recycling of textile waste. The research is located in the General San Martín district, in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

Based on the obstacles that arise during the stages of waste conditioning, product manufacturing, and certification, the technical challenges associated with the development of these non-traditional products are described, resulting in a list of best practices to encourage their manufacturing and certification. The project's panel provides thermal insulation and sound conditioning for the envelope of buildings, improving comfort for their inhabitants and/or reducing energy consumption to achieve it. It aims to address the issue of solid waste generated by medium and large-scale industries within the textile production cycle in the generation of fabrics by flat weaving.


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How to Cite

Yajnes, M. E., Becerra Araneda, A., Busnelli, R., & Aranda, Y. (2024). Board for thermal and acoustic conditioning of dwellings from textile waste: From obstacles to technical challenges. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 5, 040.



Dossier: Economía circular y ecodiseño