Waste management as a societal organizer





Waste management, territory, social inclusion, circular economy, organized community, environmental education


Social organization based on environmental and inclu-sive objectives yields positive results, particularly when implemented at the neighborhood level. This article ar-gues that practices such as source separation and ur-ban solid waste management, combined with collabo-ration from waste-picking organizations, can overcome the limitations of inefficient public policies.The focus is on the case of La Plata, where the “Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos” program(GIRSU) was formalized with Ordinance Nº 10.661, known as "Basura Cero" in 2009. In 2015, it was com-plemented by the "Ciudad Verde" program, prioritizing waste management and the creation of bike paths. These local efforts are aligned with broader policies, such as the Ley Nacional 25.916 and the Ley Provincial13.592, which establish general principles for compre-hensive waste management.

However, this article highlights that in neighborhoods, the success of waste management depends on com-munity organization. Local residents, environmental promoters, and waste pickers work together to reincor-porate dry waste as raw material, fostering recycling and social inclusion. In conclusion, waste management, beyond its technical dimension, serves as a critical tool for strengthening community cohesion and advancing sustainability.


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How to Cite

Falco, M. S. (2024). Waste management as a societal organizer. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 6, 043. https://doi.org/10.24215/26838559e043



Dossier: Economía circular. Procesos de reciclado y reuso de materiales