Use of a by-product of the rice industry for the development of an innovative food




rice bran, healthy foods, resource waste, sustainable development goals


This paper addresses a project focused on the waste of rice bran, a nutrient-rich byproduct of the rice industry that is often discarded, losing its potential as a valuable resource. The project aims to reduce this waste, promote healthy eating, and provide nutritious, affordable, and gluten-free alternatives for the celiac population and consumers interested in functional foods. Additionally, it promotes sustainability and the circular economy by utilizing this byproduct.
Rice bran-based cookies were developed as innovative, healthy, and gluten-free foods, rich in bioactive nutrients, fiber, and protein. These products meet the demand of consumers prioritizing health and sustainability.
The activities included the design, formulation, and production of these cookies, starting with research on the chemical properties of rice bran to optimize its use in food products. Prototypes were developed, and pilot tests were conducted to ensure quality and safety. Furthermore, the incorporation of rice bran into the Argentine Food Code is being promoted, opening new opportunities for its industrial application.
This project aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future.


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How to Cite

Mutuberria, M., Giménez, M. B., & Graiver , N. (2024). Use of a by-product of the rice industry for the development of an innovative food. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 6, 048.



Dossier: Economía circular. Procesos de reciclado y reuso de materiales