The dispute of knowledge

Masterclass on the occasion of the awarding of the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata




science and technology policies, peripheral countries, developed countries, technology sovereignty


Science systems must be strong, flexible, capable of transdisciplinary research. They must be at the cutting edge of scientific and technological development, but also respond quickly in a challenging world where unexpected situations, as in the case of the pandemic, are not unusual.

On the other hand, there are two very different neoliberalisms. One is applied by developed countries and the other by peripheral countries. In one, the industrial technological scheme is reinforced and in the other it is weakened while primary/extractive production with low added value is exalted as the only solution for the country's development.

The creation of a Latin American coalition to defend its wealth and the sovereignty of its nations is a horizon that must be built as soon as possible. It is politics that must place value on the assets that our country and the region possess and negotiate, on both sides of the power blocs, their conditions to ensure that the wealth we possess in natural and strategic goods is industrialised in the country, adding value and jobs for all Argentines and Latin Americans. The scientific and technological capabilities are there, we just need to know how to use them properly.


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Mazzucato, M. (2022). El Estado emprendedor. La oposición público-privado y sus mitos (J. Sanjulián y A. Solé, trads.). Editorial Taurus.

Ponzinibbio, A., Pauli, M. C., Vázquez, G. y Duarte, O. (2023). Roberto Salvarezza. Homenaje en Exactas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas.



How to Cite

Salvarezza, R. C. (2023). The dispute of knowledge: Masterclass on the occasion of the awarding of the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Social and Technological Development and Innovation, 5, 033.



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