The sustainable design for the future
Strategies for the implementation of the circular economy in secondary education in Argentina as a tool to raise awareness of sustainable habits from an early age
compostable waste, circular economy, community, plastic waste, habitsAbstract
This work has as its fundamental purpose to raise awareness about sustainable habits from the first stages of life. Exploring the notion of synergy, the interconnection between food, nutrition, waste management, waste and the principles of the circular economy is highlighted. A direct connection is thus established between our food choices and the preservation of the environment in which we live. To achieve this objective, the need to build links between various social actors is emphasized, promoting teamwork and highlighting the importance of each role through the understanding of acquired knowledge. The aim is to transmit valuable information by promoting the inclusion and active participation of the community in the construction of a more sustainable environment. Raising awareness about the choices we make when purchasing food, considering aspects such as packaging and sustainability, has allowed us to design and create products from compostable materials, such as waste grass, tea and coffee, addressing most of the " R" of the circular economy. The classification of waste is essential for the application of the 9Rs, allowing the project to transcend the limits of the educational institution (universities, schools, the neighborhood and homes), encouraging the active collaboration of the community in the collection and awareness process on the problem of plastic waste.
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