Decisions and impacts in the advance of herbicide-resistant weeds


  • Julieta Belén Perez
  • Santiago Agustín Perez CONICET


Production, Environment, Agricultural decisions, Herbicide, Legislation


The objective of the research was to analyse the decisions, knowledge and economic effects that affect agricultural producers due to the advance of weeds resistant to the herbicide glyphosate from the Pehuajó district, Argentina. For this, a descriptive analysis was carried out through interviews with key actors of the regional agricultural sector. The main results indicate differences regarding the decisions made against weeds. Glyphosate sales in the area remained stable. There are no differences between the actors regarding environmental knowledge, or legal aspects of herbicide use. However, the producers have great knowledge about the first aspect but very little about current local legislation. This aspect must be analysed in the future.


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How to Cite

Perez, J. B., & Perez, S. A. (2022). Decisions and impacts in the advance of herbicide-resistant weeds. Investigación Joven, 8(2), 18–25. Retrieved from