Trichoderma spp. survival test in pelled wheat seeds
Trichoderma harzianum, wheat, seeds, conidial survival, pelledAbstract
While biocontrol assays in wheat plants were promising using the pelleting or coating technique, none of these studied the adhesion of Trichoderma harzianum conidia to the seed according to the formulation used. No antecedents have been found in the evaluation of the survival of conidia when applied as a seed coating during storage. These aspects are considered fundamental for the selection of the formulation and its concentration to achieve the adhesion and survival of the conidia that is sought. In this sense, the objective of the present work was: To evaluate the effectiveness of the method of pelleting with Trichoderma harzianum in wheat seeds, in the amount of adhered conidia and survival during storage and its effect on the germination of seeds, dry weight and greenness index of wheat seedlings. For the essay, wheat seeds, Variety Pampero from the Santa Rosa Hatchery, which were provided by the company NITRAP S.A. pelleted with a commercial biological product based on T. harzianum conidia (TRICOTRAP) applying different formulations and concentrations were used. In order to know the effect of the application of T. harzianum as a seed pellet on the growth of wheat seedlings, three indicators were evaluated, which were the emergence of seedlings, dry weight and greenness index. The results obtained from the trial to evaluate the amount of T. harzianum conidia adhering to the seed using different formulations and concentrations showed that the highest values of cfu/g of pelleted wheat seed recovered in culture medium were for the solid formulations. In the evaluations at 10, 20 and 30 days of storage, it was observed that the conidia count values were decreasing. In addition, there was evidence of stimulation in the germination of seeds treated with T. harzianum compared to untreated seeds. The average dry weight of plants emerged from untreated seeds was 0.0608 g and the average of treated seeds was 0.0604 g. No differences were observed between the two values, so no effect of the application of T. harzianum on the dry weight of wheat plants could be established. The same it was observed respect to greenness index, there was not significant differences between treated and untreated wheat seeds. According to the results obtained in the present work, it is considered important to know the amount of conidia of Trichoderma spp. that adhere to the seed according to the formulation and concentration of conidia that are applied to the seeds and their survival over time. It is suggested to continue the trials analyzing different storage conditions to favor the greater survival of conidia and evaluate the adhesion and survival in seeds of other species.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Claudio Gernetti, Silvina Larran, Cecilia Mónaco

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