Biochemical changes determination to predict the superficial scald development on pears
disorder, conjugated trienes, critical thresholds, predictionAbstract
During pears postharvest disorders such as superficial scald (SS), can be developed. This disorder results of oxidative process, which severity is proportional to α-farnesenes (AF) oxidation degree to conjugated trienes (TC). The aim of this study was to characterize biochemical changes associated with the SS development and identify critical threshold values of TC in Beurré D´Anjou (BD), Packham´s Triumph (PT), Abate Fetel (AF), Rocha (R) and Williams (W) pears. The fruits were stored on conventional storage for 240 days. Ethylene production, maturity indexes, SS incidence, AF, TC, Ascorbic Acid (AA) and Total Phenols content (TP) and total antioxidant capacity (DPPH), were determined every month. The cultivars showed different susceptibility and SS manifestation pattern, correlated with TC accumulation pattern. Beurré D´Anjou pears were the most sensitive to SS and showed a greater TC accumulation slope. The critical threshold was high in BD, intermediate in PT and low in W, R and AF. At harvest and during storage, BD presented the lowest values of DPPH, AA and PF. The different pears varieties had different sensitivity to SS . The critical thresholds were determined for each pear variety.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela Calvo, Adrián Dario Colodner, Maria Dolores Raffo, Josefina del Brio, Andrea Lucia Castro
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