
  • Magda Mendivelso Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • María Laura Galarraga Facultad de Psicología, UBA/ Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche


time perspective, adolescence, future orientation, balanced time perspective


Time Perspective (TP) refers to temporal orientation, and it means that people use to focus on the past, present or future. The TP is a process that organizes, explains, and gives sense to people’s behaviors through five time frames: positive past, negative past, hedonistic present, fatalistic present and future. Working on the TP improves health, increases bonds and promotes the development of a successful career. We used a non-experimental, descriptive, and comparative cross-sectional design. 696 students from Buenos Aires, Argentina and from Villavicencio city, Colombia, participated voluntarily. We applied the Time Perspective Inventory. Argentine adolescents tend to orientate towards the hedonistic present. The context where adolescents live, with occupational instability and with its institutions in crisis, could be implicated. The Colombian sample showed higher scores in the negative past and fatalistic present, which it could be related to growing up in the middle of the Colombian conflict. Because of this, adolescents could perceive little control over their present and remember their past as a difficult one.


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Author Biographies

Magda Mendivelso, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Magister en Psicodiagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica de la UBA. Docente de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

María Laura Galarraga, Facultad de Psicología, UBA/ Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche

Magister en Psicodiagnóstico y  Evaluación Psicológica de la UBA. Psicóloga en el Departamento de Orientación Educativa de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche


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How to Cite

Mendivelso, M., & Galarraga, M. L. . (2020). TEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE IN A SAMPLE OF ARGENTINE AND COLOMBIAN ADOLESCENTS. Orientación Y Sociedad, 20(1), e020. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/OrientacionYSociedad/article/view/10241