Adolescents in pandemic: Explorations, historicization and project in a time of virtualization of daily life
adolescence, pandemic, project, virtuality, orientationAbstract
From our academic task deployed in the professorships of Vocational Guidance and Clinical Psychology of Children and Adolescents, counting on different perspectives and theoretical frameworks of reference around the time of psychic constitution that we call adolescence, we have met in this writing, in order to exchange questions, approaches and reflections.
In a context crossed by the pandemic situation declared by the outbreak of COVID-19, we ask ourselves about adolescents: can they advance in the psychic works of their time, when they are forced to reduce as much as possible the contact with the outside? In what way can we shore up, accompany the vulnerabilities of subjectivities in formation, in a present time that involves the halting of projects or the reformulation of them under new coordinates? How to promote creativity, privilegedly carried by adolescents, vital for any identifying-relational journey?
To do this we will recover conceptualizations about adolescents with the particularities that characterize them and we will address the different ways of nominating a project. We will take two coordinates that are necessary to understand this development, temporality and virtuality, concluding with some approximations regarding the role of the adult, especially the counselor.
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