Emotional education and its linkage in the learning process in times of pandemic



emotional education, learning process, COVID-19 pandemic


This research article reviews and analyzes emotional education and its link to the learning process in times of pandemic in family members and teachers of the IV Centenario School in the city of Loja, Ecuador; its general objective is to reveal emotional education as a generator of well-being in the learning process in times of pandemic. Theoretical references on emotional education are based on Steiner and Perry (1997) and Bisquerra (2000, as cited in Vivas García (2003). For the methodology, the qualitative paradigm was used, with the method oriented towards the deep understanding of educational phenomena to interpret reality; to collect the information, the semi-structured interview was applied, it was directed to parents and teachers; and, as an analysis, the triangulation based on five categories that emerged and were contrasted. In conclusion, it was found that emotional education must go hand in hand with the learning process to generate well-being in times of pandemic; its absence causes emotional disorders (fear, anxiety and depression).


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Author Biographies

Telmo Granda Granda, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Janina Granda Carrión, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Granda Granda, T., & Granda Carrión, J. (2021). Emotional education and its linkage in the learning process in times of pandemic. Orientación Y Sociedad, 21(1), e034. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/OrientacionYSociedad/article/view/12313



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