Departamento de Orientación Educativa: An intervention proposal


  • María Laura Castignani Colegio Nacional Rafael Hernández, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



educational orientation, university undergraduate, future project, educational information


This paper presents a proposal for a guiding intervention for students in the last year of high school at Colegio Nacional Rafael Hernández, belonging to Universidad Nacional de La Plata, proposal whose objective is to work on the approach to educational /academic information. The Colegio Nacional maintains a pre-university regime with the purpose of giving a structural response to the problem of the articulation between the middle and higher levels. These instances of articulation with the different academic units make it possible to consolidate an election system from the fifth year, bringing students closer to the subjects and contents of the subjects of the first years of the different careers offered by our university. In this sense, different ways have been sought to stimulate the approach of the students of the last year of the College to the different academic units. The academic articulation between the University and the secondary school constitutes a fundamental tool since it allows to generate spaces oriented to define, implement and evaluate activities that attend the transit between educational levels.
The proposal presented here will be implemented by the Educational Guidance Department of the institution with the purpose of generating a space of a promotional and preventive nature with the students, working on the knowledge of educational/academic information, as well as in the recognition of its importance in making decisions about their future projects.


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Author Biography

María Laura Castignani, Colegio Nacional Rafael Hernández, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Doctora en Psicología, forma parte del equipo del Departamento de Orientación Educativa del Colegio Nacional Rafael Hernández, dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


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How to Cite

Castignani, M. L. (2023). Departamento de Orientación Educativa: An intervention proposal. Orientación Y Sociedad, 23(1), e058.