At the edition of the volume 7 we’ve found two relevant news for our field: Vocational Guidance. “Orientation and Society” has been included in the so-called Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (Basic nucleus of Argentine Scientific Magazines) through CONICET’s Resolution 1071/07.
Mario Albornoz, Director of CAICYT – CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research), has informed us that “The Basic Nucleus currently includes 103 top scientific magazines.” We cannot but mention two sections of the missive which acknowledge our efforts and dedication: 1. “The inclusion of the magazine in the Basic Nucleus guarantees the excellence of the publication and makes the access to file
conversion support compatible with the Scielo Argentino Portal possible”, and 2. “Allow me to congratulate you and wish that this mechanism will progressively lead to an improvement in the quality of Argentine scientific publications.” This accreditation is a particularly valuable stimulus both for the community and the improvement of this editorial project.
The second relevant new is about the Specialization Degree in Guidance at our School, and dependant upon the Postgraduate Secretary, since the beginning of this year. The execution of this project was a long-standing debt to the disciplinary area and it will widen the approach to inter-disciplinary levels as well as to assistance, institutional and community areas.