How to decolonize our classrooms?

Considerations to incorporate an intersectional perspective into our History of Visual Arts classes (2nd year - Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, UNLP)


  • Federico Santarsiero Historia de las Artes Visuales. Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Delfina Zarauza Historia de las Artes Visuales. Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



History of art, decolonial gaze, intersectional perspective, pedagogy


As teachers of the subject History of Visual Arts in second year of Bachillerato de Bellas Artes Secondary School, UNLP, we have noticed the reproduction of a Eurocentric and patriarchal story in its syllabus, which privileges the study of European artistic expressions from a predominantly male subjectivation and ignoring the historical, cultural and territorial diversity which other perspectives provide. To solve this problem, we have started a research project in order to incorporate in the planning and development of our subject an intersectional perspective which allows us to do an analysis of the visual culture by articulating the perspectives of class, gender, and ethnicity.


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Bang, N., Gentile, L. y Santarsiero, F. (2019). Historia de las Artes Visuales. 2do E.S. Ciclo Lectivo 2019 (Programa de materia). UNLP. Bachillerato de Bellas Artes “Prof. Francisco A. De Santo”.

Bang, N., Santarsiero, F., Savloff, L. y Zarauza, D. (2022). Programa de Historia de las Artes Visuales. 2do E.S. Ciclo Lectivo 2022 (Programa de materia). UNLP. Bachillerato de Bellas Artes “Prof. Francisco A. De Santo”.

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How to Cite

Santarsiero, F., & Zarauza, D. (2022). How to decolonize our classrooms? Considerations to incorporate an intersectional perspective into our History of Visual Arts classes (2nd year - Bachillerato de Bellas Artes, UNLP). Plurentes. Artes Y Letras, (13), 049.



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