The presence of the absence

Encontrando a Víctor and Tiempo suspendido by Natalia Bruschtein




dissapeared, film, testimony, documentary, intimacy


Encontrando a Víctor and Tiempo suspendido by Natalia Bruschtein are two films which raise questions about the role of the documentary in the private lives of the children of the "disappeared" (in contrast to public denunciation) and the ways of bringing back the condemnation by emphasizing the abscence. Different devices, including testimony and photographs, enable an approach to these problems and a link between the viewer and the intimate space.


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How to Cite

Ocroglich, M. J. (2024). The presence of the absence: Encontrando a Víctor and Tiempo suspendido by Natalia Bruschtein. Plurentes. Artes Y Letras, (15), 085.



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