About the Journal
Aim and SCOPE
SECTION Policies
Code of ETHICS
Copyright Notice
Privacy Statement
Aim and SCOPE
Revista Electrónica de Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo (REDIC) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal which follows the continuous publication model and is edited by the International Law Department of the International Relations Institute for the National University of La Plata.
The journal’s purpose is to disseminate national and international academic contributions concerning the different issues and branches of International Law from a contemporary point of view.
Submitted works are reviewed by expert peers following the double-blind process. The peer review report may result in publishing works without any changes, publishing works subject to prior changes or rejecting their publication.
The journal supports the Open Access to Knowledge movement as a common good. Therefore, it provides immediate and complete access to all of its content and its issues are free of charge for both the author and the reader. In addition, it allows and promotes self-archive or institutional repositories publishing simultaneously.
Submitted works should be adapted to The journal’s publishing guidelines (APA Style 7th Edition). Please direct all future communication to the journal to derechointernacional@iri.edu.ar.
The journal and its volumes are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
The journal holds the right to accept or reject the submitted contributions, in conformity with the journal’s subject and its editorial guidelines.
The views and opinions expressed in any article from the journal are exclusively those of the authors’ and do not reflect the view of any institution whatsoever.
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SECTION Policies
This section includes articles submitted by International Law researchers and professors. Articles are reviewed by experts in the field following the double-blind process.
This section aims at recalling the historic, political and legal context in which treaties, the main source of law in International Law, were made and at analyzing their applicability in the contemporary international community.
The Pathway of Treaties
This section aims at recalling the historic, political and legal context in which treaties, the main source of law in International Law, were made and at analyzing their applicability in the contemporary international community.
Articles are reviewed by experts in the field following the double-blind process.
This section includes interviews with researchers, educators and stockholders related to the Journal scope.
Cinema and Law
This section introduces film analyses and reflections aimed at teaching and learning International Law.
Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor and, eventually, by an ad hoc journal reviewer.
This section includes flexible format narratives which do not require bibliographical references or standard scientific formats. They may be 1800-3600 words long.
These narratives may include experiences in institutionalized or informal educational contexts, professional or pre-professional experiences in international organizations, specialized institutions, NGOs, or community-outreach programs in areas related to International Law.
Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor and, eventually, by an ad hoc journal reviewer.
In memoriam
In this section we seek to bring to memory and honor the work of specialists who have left a footprint and contributed to the development of International Law.
Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor.
This section includes analyses and reflections of current International Law topics set by the Dossier’s coordinators.
Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor, the Dossier’s coordinators and, eventually, an ad hoc journal reviewer.
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Publication FREQUENCY
REDIC is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which follows the continuous publication model.*
Articles are published individually and sequentially in the current issue.
Issues are closed in March and reopened in April every year.
Submissions are open all year round.
Dossier: the journal may invite specialists to provide thematic dossiers. These special sections are organized by coordinators appointed by the editorial team. The articles in said sections are published altogether and their publication does not interfere with the development of the main current issue.
* Periodicity adopted as of the 2021 volume (previous volumes were published annually)
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The institution promotes and supports the Open Access to Knowledge movement as a common good. Therefore, the journal provides immediate and complete access to all of its content and its issues are free of charge for both the author and the reader, under the principle that offering society unrestricted access to scientific and academic publications contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge.
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REDIC is part of the following indexes, bases and catalogs:
Núcleo Básico | Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas
LATINDEX Catálogo 2.0| Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Mexico)
AmeliCA | Índice de Revistas en Consolidación (Mexico)
DOAJ | Directory of Open Access Journal (Sweden)
DIALNET | Portal bibliográfico de la Universidad de La Rioja (Spain)
REDIB | Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (Spain)
MIAR | Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (Spain)
Malena | Políticas de jerarquización, acceso y archivo de las publicaciones científicas argentinas (Argentina)
AURA | Políticas de apertura y derechos de explotación (México)
LatinREV | Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (FLACSO Argentina)
RELAREDI | Red Latinoamericana de Revistas y publicaciones de Derecho Internacional
ROAD | Directorio de Recursos Científicos y Universitarios en Acceso Abierto
BINPAR | Bibliografía Nacional de Publicaciones Periódicas Argentinas Registradas
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REDIC is published through the OJS (Open Journals System) and incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol at https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Redic/oai having the possibility to get different metadata formats (rfc1807, nlm, marcxml, oai_marc y oai_dc) on entering the appertaining acronym in the URL as a value for the the metadataPrefix parameter.
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The journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among partner libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.
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Works published in the journal are stored in SEDICI, the institutional repository of the National University of La Plata. Automatic backups, remote copies, format adaptation, integrity checks and any other activity required to ensure digital preservation are made through this repository. SEDICI’s preservation policies are available at http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion