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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is not published; nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Where available, URLs will be provided for all references.
  • The text is one-and-a-half-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in About the Journal.
  • The statement of originality and of non-exclusive assignment of rights has been sent.

Author Guidelines

Revista Electrónica de Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo (REDIC) is a peer-reviewed scientific  journal which follows the continuous publication model and is edited by the International Law Department of the International Relations Institute at the National University of La Plata. REDIC publishes original academic articles addressing the different issues and branches of International Law from a contemporary perspective. The views and opinions expressed in all articles from the journal are exclusively those of the authors’ and do not reflect the view of any institution whatsoever.

Submitted works are reviewed by external peers following the double-blind process. The report may result in publishing works without any changes, publishing works subject to prior changes or rejecting their publication.

REDIC is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which follows the continuous publication model. Articles are published individually and sequentially in the current issue. Issues open in January and close in December. Submissions are open all year round.

The average time for review is two to four months, since there are usually two rounds of review until the paper is ready for publication. Both the reviewer and the author have a period of approximately 30 days per round to perform their task (This period is an estimate, since it depends exclusively on the authors and reviewers involved in each article).

Once the article is ready for publication, the editing process, which includes proofreading, translation and layout of the article, takes approximately one to two months.

The journal does not charge authors under any circumstance, either reviewing or publishing their articles (APC).

All manuscripts must conform to the journal’s publishing rules (APA Style 7th Edition). You can check the APA Manual 7th edition here 

Publication Rules

  1. Submissions must be original; papers which have been partially or fully published elsewhere will not be accepted.
  2. Unpublished papers should be related to the disciplinary areas covered by the journal.
  3. Submissions will only be accepted in editable formats.
  4. Submissions may be written in Spanish, English, Portuguese or French.
  5. Submissions should be no less than 10 pages and no more than 25 pages long, one-and-a-half-spaced, in Times New Roman, size 12, on A4 paper. They should have continuous pagination, including the bibliography, and symmetrical margins of 2.54 cm. The number of pages includes an abstract in English and Spanish, keywords in both languages, annotations (whenever necessary), tables and/or graphs and bibliography.
  6. Abstracts should reflect the most important aspects of the work, briefly including concise information about: need, objective, methodology and main expected results. Abstracts should not include any information or conclusions that do not appear in the article. They should be written in Spanish and English, and they should include up to 200 words. They should not include citations, tables or references. If possible, abbreviations

    should be avoided. The article may include between 3 and 5 keywords related to the problem, method and/or result. They should be separated by commas (,) and written in lower case, both in Spanish and English (keywords).

  7. Citations should be inserted in the body of the article using the following format: (Author/s, year, page. Example: Sánchez, 2018, p. 5). If there are several references to the same authors, in the same year, the distinction will be made as follows: First text: (Author/s, year a, pages); Second text: (Author/s, year b, pages); Third text: (Author/s, year c, pages). Include the date of the primary source, if known, in the secondary source citation. Use et al. in all citations of a work with three or more authors, as long as there is no ambiguity regarding the source.

  8. References pertaining to all citations should be listed at the end of the text with the following format:
  • Books: Author/s (publication year). Title. Publisher.
  • Chapter in an edited collection: Author/s (publication year). Title. In Editor/s, Title of the collection. (pp. 15-33). Publisher.
  • Journal articles: Author/s (year). Title. Name of the Journal, volume, issue, article pages (e.g., 8-36).
  • Data sets: Author/s (year). Title. Title of the data set. Source site. URL or DOI. Example: Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos. (2016). Internos del Servicio Penitenciario Federal - SPF [Data set]. Datos Argentina.
  • For direct quotations up to 40 words long, add quotation marks around the words and insert the quotation into your own text; no additional formatting is necessary. Do not insert ellipses at the beginning and/or end of a quotation unless the original source includes ellipses. In cases of direct quotes of 40 or more words (in a block), start on a new line and indent the entire block 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) from the left margin, double space the entire block quote, and do not add additional spaces before or after.

9. The title of the article will be written in bold, in its original language and in English, if it is not the original language. 

10. In case you have not done it yet, go to Mi Perfil/My Profile and complete the field “Biographical summary”/”Resumen biográfico” your brief resume in no more than 5 lines.

11.  Images, tables, charts and diagrams should be sent in a separate file in black and white or grayscale and should have a resolution of, at least, 200 dpi.

12. Make sure that instructions for a blind review have been followed. 

Sections Policies


This section includes articles submitted by International Law researchers and professors. Articles are reviewed by experts in the field following the double-blind process.

The Pathway of Treaties

This section aims at recalling the historic, political and legal context in which treaties, the main source of law in International Law, were made and at analyzing their applicability in the contemporary international community.

Articles are reviewed by experts in the field following the double-blind process.


This section includes interviews with researchers, educators and stockholders related to the Journal scope.

Cinema and Law

This section introduces film analyses and reflections aimed at teaching and learning International Law.

Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor and, eventually, by an ad hoc journal reviewer.


This section includes analyses and reflections of current International Law topics set by the Dossier’s coordinators.

Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor, the Dossier’s coordinators and, eventually, an ad hoc journal reviewer.


This section includes flexible format narratives which do not require bibliographical references or standard scientific formats. They may be 1800-3600 words long.

These narratives may include experiences in institutionalized or informal educational contexts, professional or pre-professional experiences in international organizations, specialized institutions, NGOs, or community-outreach programs in areas related to International Law.

Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor and, eventually, by an ad hoc journal reviewer.

In memoriam

In this section we seek to bring to memory and honor the work of specialists who have left a footprint and contributed to the development of International Law.

Articles in this section are not peer-reviewed but are reviewed by the Editor.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses will be used solely for the Journal’s stated purposes and will not be available for any other purpose or person.