Gender stereotypes in light of Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law: A study of contentious cases against Mexico




access to justice, contentious jurisdiction, women's human rights, gender violence


The Belém do Pará Convention is one of the most important instruments aimed at protecting women's rights in Latin America and the Caribbean as it establishes the adoption of appropriate measures to modify patterns pf violence against women, such as gender stereotypes. Even though this Convention was ratified by Mexico in 1998 and, thus, is mandatory at a domestic level, it can be seen that gender stereotypes play a significant role in Mexican court proceedings. The aim of this work is, then, to find out what the IACtHR's perception regarding Mexico's actions in the matter is. To this end, five cases have been identified in which such practices are present when imparting justice at domestic level. To carry this study we have revised IACtHR case law and compared it to provisions applicable in the matter, thus concluding that gender stereotypes directly affect state agents' due diligence and harm the victims' right to obtain justice.


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Author Biography

Carolina Aguilar Ramos, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México

Profesora Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México. Doctora en Derecho y Globalización, egresada de Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad- CONAHCYT. Docente y abogada postulante. 


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How to Cite

Aguilar Ramos, C. (2024). Gender stereotypes in light of Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law: A study of contentious cases against Mexico. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 7(7), 065.