The Secretariat of Government that existed during years 1974-75 and the Chief of Cabinet


  • Luis Asis Damasco Universidad Nacional de La Rioja



presidencialism, constitutional reform, - Secretariat of Government, National Project Council


The Secretariat of Government was created in 1974, originated in politics and historical necessities. The President, General Juan Domingo Perón, created this Secretary of State, one of a kind, providing it of functions that allowed to its holder, Colonel Vicente Damasco, carry out two main great political decisions of the President Perón´s government: Pacify the Nation, promoting dialogue at the highest level of the politicians, its main political parties, all the youth branches, the Armed Forces, the Catholic Church, facilitating the mutual understanding and concord, so necessary in that 70´s decade; the other main decision was the makin up of structural state reforms that Perón planned for the Argentinian State, ruled by ancient and obsolete nineteenth-century institutions, and converted in a modern and efficient state.  We will compare its differences and similitudes with the Chief of Cabinet created in the constitutional reform of 1994.


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Author Biography

Luis Asis Damasco, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja

Lawyer, National University of La Rioja. Ordinary Prof. International Public Law, National University of La Rioja. PhD candidate in Legal Sciences, National University of La Rioja.


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How to Cite

Asis Damasco, L. (2020). The Secretariat of Government that existed during years 1974-75 and the Chief of Cabinet. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 17(50), 046.



Derecho Constitucional