The protection of adults: Notes from argentine private international law


  • Luciana B. Scotti Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Leandro Baltar Universidad de Buenos Aires



International Private Law, Adult protection, Jurisdiction, Applicable law, International cooperation


The protection of the adults is an issue historically neglected by law. Being able to be studied from various subjects, Private International Law is characterized by being able to provide  a large number of tools. From the Argentine point of view, the lack of special norms from both internal and conventional sources that adequately address the protection of these subjects translates into a lack of international legal attention, putting them in a state of defenselessness. Today, the law is faced with a particular challenge: the need to protect them through fair rules. In this work, we will approach the issue from the perspective and contributions to reinforce its protection from Private International Law.


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Author Biographies

Luciana B. Scotti, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Lawyer, graduated with a Gold Medal (UBA). Master in International Relations (UBA). Dra. From the University of Buenos Aires with outstanding thesis, recommended for the “Faculty” Award (International Law Area). Postdoctoral Diploma, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires, UBA. Regular Adjunct Prof. Private International Law and Integration Law, Faculty of Law, UBA. Director of the Ibero-American Journal of International Law and Integration. Deputy director and researcher trained at the Institute of Legal and Social Research “Dr. Ambrosio L. Gioja ”, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires. She is the author and co-author of books, book chapters, articles, lectures and communications at Congresses, on topics of her specialty.

Leandro Baltar, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Lawyer. Master in Private International Law (UBA). PhD candidate in International Law (UBA). Professor of Private International Law and Integration Law at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law. UBACyT Doctoral Fellow. Coordinator of the Ibero-American Journal of International Law and Integration. Ascribed member of the Institute of Legal and Social Research “Dr. Ambrosio L. Gioja ”, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Author and co-author of articles and book chapters on topics of his specialty.


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How to Cite

Scotti, L. B., & Baltar, L. (2021). The protection of adults: Notes from argentine private international law. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 18(51), 089.



Derecho Internacional Privado