Gender and the Supreme Court: The gender of the internal institutional culture of the Supreme Court (Argentina)


  • M. Jimena Sáenz UBA-UNLP



court, gender, institutional culture, feminist jurisprudence


This paper offers an analysis of the gender in the “internal culture”, “court culture” or the “internal work” of the argentine Supreme Court. It explores an underexamined area in “gender and justice” studies, and in works that focus on the role of high courts: the intermediate space between access to justice and the final decisions. For that purposes, it defines and uses as sources the “acordadas” y “resoluciones de superintendencia” of the Supreme Court and reviews questions about the gender of staff, labour rules and care politics, internal structure and organization, and decision-making processes.


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Author Biography

M. Jimena Sáenz, UBA-UNLP

Lawyer and Professor of Letters, National University of La Plata (UNLP). Dra. In Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). CONICET researcher. Prof. of Law Theory, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Constitutional Law, National University of La Plata (UNLP).


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How to Cite

Sáenz, M. J. (2021). Gender and the Supreme Court: The gender of the internal institutional culture of the Supreme Court (Argentina). Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 18(51), 078.



Derecho Constitucional