The right to work in the recent inter-american jurisprudence
right to work, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, enforceability, justiciabilityAbstract
The segmentation of human rights into civil and political rights on the one hand and economic, social and cultural rights on the other, has had a concrete impact on the way they were ranked placing some above others, something that was evident in the degrees of enforceability and justiciability. The recent jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court) caused a rupture in this paradigm regarding the right to work, by providing it with content and considering it an autonomous right, directly enforceable before the Inter-American system of protection. The aim of this paper is to account for the evolution of the jurisprudence of the highest regional court with regards to the right to work, systematizing the standards that emerge from the sentences. At the same time, it will seek to draw some conclusions on the reparations and challenges that are looming.
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