Environmental arbitration: Implications, advantages and convenience

A practical experience


  • Silvia Nonna Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Florencia Daira Nocera Univeersidad de Buenos Aires




environmental conflicts, environmental arbitration, purpose, benefits, need


The aim of this article is to present the issue of environmental arbitration, analyzing implications, advantages, and the need for regulation. We will refer to some comparative law experiences, and we will also comment on some cases, real and fictionary, through cinematographic successes. To conclude by sharing an innovative experience promoted by the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires through CeDAF, the Center for Environmental Law and from a Federal Environmental Arbitration Competition in its first edition in 2021.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Nonna, Universidad de Buenos Aires

D. in Law, University of Buenos Aires. Post Doctor, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Lawyer and Specialist in Natural Resources, School of Law, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Specialization in International Trade of Hydrocarbons, School of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires. Postgraduate studies in Environmental Law, Universidad Austral. Environmental Research Fellow, The George Washington University, United States. Outstanding Personality of Environmental Science and Education by the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires. Vice-Dean of the School of Law, University of Buenos Aires. Professor of Natural Resources Law and Environmental Protection at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires. Permanent Researcher at the Institute of Legal and Social Research "Ambrosio L. Gioja". Professor of Environmental Law at the Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor, guest professor in postgraduate courses at public and private universities. Vice-president of the Academic Council of the Judicial Training Center of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Director of research programs.

Florencia Daira Nocera, Univeersidad de Buenos Aires

Lawyer and Specialist in Environmental Law, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Professor of Dr. Silvia Nonna (UBA), and in the Distance Learning Diploma in Environmental Law, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Tutor of the UBA team in the Federal Environmental Arbitration Competition 2021.


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How to Cite

Nonna, S., & Nocera, F. D. (2022). Environmental arbitration: Implications, advantages and convenience: A practical experience. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 19(52), 107. https://doi.org/10.24215/25916386e107



Derecho Ambiental