The fault: An error of unlawful causality
guilt, unlawfulness, causality, civil liabilityAbstract
The analysis of the concept of guilt in its historical development has been a subject of continuous debate and study for authorial legal doctrine of all times and places, reaching its maximum expression, in the modern Theory of Responsibility, of inconceivable development without it. Guilt has, therefore, configured one of the great achievements of ancient legal thought, since it has explained the legal reasons why a certain conduct is reprehensible, ergo, attributable to the obligation to repair, whether the damage caused (responsibility compensation), or the risk created that damage occurs, continues, or worsens (preventive liability). Thus, its genesis and conceptual evolution; its different evaluation criteria; its close logical connection with the objective elements of unlawfulness and causality; assumptions of presumption of its existence; his proof and the reversal of his burden. All of which has made guilt one of the most valid and interesting ideas in Legal Sciences, from the famous "Lex Aquilia", through Book IX of the Digest, to our current Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation.
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